Daily Prayer - Week of May 4

Prayer for Friday, May 8, 2020

Lord, although it may seem we are all alone embarking on our own individual journeys, remind us of the strength and courage You have instilled in us. May Your light guide the way to where we are all able to connect with one another again.

Please keep our essential workers, NDA Families, Alumni, and the world safe. During these times, we thank You for all You have given us, and that You will continue providing us all peace, hope, and faith today and everyday.

We pray with Mary and Marguerite. Amen.

~ Hailey Kindya '21 

Prayer for Thursday, May 7, 2020

Lord, although it may seem we are all alone embarking on our own individual journeys, remind us of the strength and courage You have instilled in us. May Your light guide the way to where we are all able to connect with one another again.

Please keep our essential workers, NDA Families, Alumni, and the world safe during these times. We thank You for all You have given us, and pray that You continue providing us all peace, hope, and faith today and everyday.

We pray with Mary and Marguerite. Amen.

~ Hailey Kindya '21


Prayer for Wednesday, May 6, 2020

We offer our praise and thanks, God, for the many ways that you feed us and provide for our many needs through these courageous and generous nurses. They show such Love and Care to our sick and dying, and keep us closely connected to our brothers and sisters by their care and attention.

Help us to see others with the eyes of love that they have. Fill us, too, with Your compassion, that we also will work tirelessly to foster relationships in our community and build on the foundations of truth, mutual respect, cooperation, and trust.

Thank You, God for these models and saints among us.  Amen.


Prayer for Tuesday, Cinco de Mayo, May 5, 2020

Angel de mi Guarda dulce compaňia, no me desampares Ni de noche, ni de dia. No me dejes solo que me perderia.  Amen.

Guardian Angel, sweet company, don’t forsake me, neither by night nor day. Because I would lose myself alone without you. Amen.

Hail Mary:

Dios te salve, Maria. Llena eres de gracia: El Señor es contigo. Bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres. Y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre: Jesús. Santa María, Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros pecadores, ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amén.


Prayer for Monday, May 4, 2020 - Lord of the 23rd Psalm

I have known death, and you have refreshed my soul. I have known fear, and you have comforted me. I have known hunger, and You have set a feast before me. In the darkest valley, no calamity of humankind or nature has separated us.

Teach me to walk as You walk beside those in mourning, so that they will know joy. Beside those in fear, that they will know comfort. Beside those in hunger, that they will feast until their cup overflows.

As Your goodness and love follow me, may mine follow my neighbor that the threat of the worst terrors may turn to the knowledge of the comforts of the house of the Lord, where you have invited us to dwell forever.

And so let me strive to help build on earth that you have promised us in heaven. In the face of all calamity, present and yet to come, let me lead my neighbor beside quiet waters, the quiet waters of the Good Shepherd.


From: CRS – Catholic Relief Services